About the project

DiscourseNet is a network of international and interdisciplinary discourse researchers that was formed in 2008. During the first five years, DiscourseNet has been involved in the preparation of larger collective publications in the field of Discourse Studies, such as the Dictionary and Handbook of Interdisciplinary Discourse Research (both came out in 2014 in German). Since DiscourseNet 13 (spring 2014 at Warwick), the emphasis has been placed on strengthening the international community of discourse researchers. DiscourseNet 16 and 17 are going to take place in Bremen (Germany, autumn 2015) and in Pamplona (Spain, spring 2016). The DiscourseNet meetings are financially supported by the ERC DISCONEX project, which is led by Johannes Angermuller.

For the latest news on DiscourseNet 16 and to contact the organisers, please go to http://www.discourseanalysis.net. The project manager and administrator of the portal is Ronny Scholz.

The conference DiscourseNet 15 (DN15) is result of the joint efforts of DiscourseNet network and the University Library “Svetozar Marković”. The organiser of DN15 the conference in Belgrade is Jan Krasni.