
Presentation videos!

The presentation videos are online! Check it out here!

Conference program is out

The conference program is online! Check it out here!

New Panels

Thank you very much for your interesting and inspiring abstracts! We are expecting around 60 participants from all over Europe. Soon we will notify you about the conference panels and about accommodation offers.

Please write us to for any information.

We have good news! Two very interesting panel proposals we’ve received last week convinced us to prolong the deadline – so please send us your abstracts until 20th of January. Many thanks for these proposals to Ivana Spasić (Belgrade) and Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas (Navarra)!

Check out our new panels on Oral Poetic Discourses and on the Making of Social Boundaries!

For all of you coming from literary studies or from sociology of culture – this is an extra call for you guys!